Cleansui クリンスイ


Clean water every time

Cleansui provides potable water for everyone in their everyday life. It brings out the inherent power of water through the best innovative technology and mode of action. It continuously delivers water to people around the world. Cleansui adopts a unique “hollow-fiber membrane filter” to remove contaminants, including bacteria and fine particles, in water. The company that makes Cleansui provides a wide range of water-related technologies and services for use in kitchens, bathrooms, etc. in households and industry (e.g., restaurants).

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Cleansui offers several water-purifying products including easily installed faucet-mounted purifiers, large-volume countertop purifiers, and pitcher-type purifiers that can be stored in a refrigerator. Further, we have built-in filtering systems (mixer faucet equipped with under-sink filtering system), water-purifying shower heads, alkaline water ionizers, and products for commercial use.

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Sustainable development goals

SDGs of Cleansui include efforts to resolve the water-related environmental issues, provide clean water, and production of sustainable products and services. We have initiated a program named “Encourage Japan with the power of water!” which supports people affected by natural disasters in Japan, and a campaign “Drink the tap water!” In addition, we have attempted to change the mindset of our employees through the “mymizu Challenge.” In July 2021, we opened the Cleansui House in Vison, a commercial complex located in Taki-town of Mie, which aims to become the center of SDGs in Japan. Moreover, we are attempting to expand our activities through the Cleansui House, where guests can enjoy the taste of Cleansui filtered water, exhibits related to water, and participate in workshops.

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Cleansui has been aggressively promoting water-related projects in collaboration with various partners such as experts in food, sake brewing, accommodations, and apparel brands. We have developed a water purifier that mimics the water for Washoku, a water cuisine. In addition, an aesthetically pleasing water purifier that harmonizes with a house interior was developed in collaboration with traditional Japanese craftsmen. We will launch new water-related projects in the near future.



Cleansui for Pilgrim Surf+Supply2018

“自然と都会のデュアルライフ”をコンセプトに、アウトドアアクティビティのあるライフスタイルを提案しているPilgrim Surf+Supplyとクリンスイが出会い、互いに共感し合うことで、エコロジカルなテクノロジーを洗練…

Cleansui Knows Japanese Craft2017-

日本の伝統を取り入れたクラフトマンたちと取り組むプロジェクト「Cleansui Knows Japanese Crafts」。第一弾商品はNOTA&designの加藤駿介氏とコラボレーションした信楽焼浄水器「クリンスイ JP100-C」(右)、第二…



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